The Redemption Creed

The Redemption Creed is born out of pastoral concern, outlined in this brief guide. Feel free to use it in your church. If you have any feedback, please send it to cameron at

We believe
God created us in his image,
righteous and holy.
Defiled by sin,
we fell short of God’s glory, deserving his condemnation;

For our redemption,
Christ the Son was manifested in the flesh,
humbled himself to death,
and bore our sins on the cross.
By his obedience and death,
Christ satisfied the just wrath of God in our place
freed us from the rule of sin,
and gave himself as our righteousness.
He reconciled us to God the Father,
who pardoned and accepted us as his children
for Christ’s sake alone;

For our redemption,
Christ rose from the dead
to make us
his righteous and holy new creation;

And we believe
That Christ ascended to the Father,
as the head of his body, the church,
and gave us his Holy Spirit.
The Spirit unites us by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ
as he abides with us,
the guarantee of Christ our inheritance, until he comes again. Amen.