On Living For Today and Serving Others (Or: Lennon v Dylan)
I have always hated the 1971 song ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon. The song celebrates and longs for the elimination of the things that make us distinctly human. It does it under the guise of wanting to break down the dividing…
Briefly, On God’s Love and Being In Jesus
I appreciated this post from Scott Sauls, particularly this opening quote from Rankin Wilbourne: “God does not love you to the degree that you are like Jesus. Rather, God loves you to the degree that you are in Jesus. And that’s 100 percent.”…
On Pastoral Life and Pop Culture
My wife recently directed my attention to this series of posts at the Circe Institute, and they have subsequently occupied much of my thought for the past two weeks. The whole series is worth reading, but this quote from the…
On The Christian’s Proneness to Wander
I’ve always loved the hymn Come, Thou Fount. The third verse in particular has always been impactful, serving as a reminder of how I continue to need God’s grace to not wander from him. Oh, to grace how great a…