On Moderation
It’s become my experience that what often passes for moderation (political, personal, religious, etc.) is actually measured restraint. That is not to say that there aren’t true moderates, or moderates of convenience, but exhibiting a measured temperament and sensibility is…
We Are All Orphans of the West
This First Things review of HBO’s The Young Pope has been tumbling about my mind the past week. This segment in particular has stood out. The young pope is an orphan, you see, having been abandoned at a young age…
Andrew Brunson, Christian Pastor, Still in Turkish Prison
EPC minister Andrew Brunson is still in prison in Turkey. A petition on the White House website is up to urge President Trump to advocate for Andrew’s release to Turkish President Erdoğan. If it receives 100,000 signatures by March 8th the White…
The Public Reading of Scripture
I appreciate Brian Tallman’s article at Reformation 21 on the public reading of scripture, and probably find his line of reasoning persuasive, though I am not in the PCA. However, I did find these three paragraphs on the WLC, which…
Some Reflections on Mark 6:14-29
Herod is controlled by a woman who is not his legitimate wife, and his daughter holds massive sway over him. He cares what John the Baptizer says because Herod knows he’s right (v.18-20), but won’t change his ways. Herod’s political…