The rise of Christian Contemporary Music (CCM) in the late 1960s, and its cultural ascent in the early 1990s, represented a massive capitulation to the broader culture, though not in the ways its initial critics imagined. During the worship wars…
The Missouri Supreme Court will be hearing a case on whether the state’s abortion laws violate the religious rights of a woman who is a member of the Satanic Temple. The Satanic Temple is an activist and religious organization started in 2012 that employs Satanic imagery to bring attention to its actions. Similar to the Church of Satan, the Satanic Temple is atheistic and rejects any notion of the supernatural, including the idea of a devil. Its beliefs are very similar to that of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism…
The politicization of the Christian faith in the U.S. has nothing on what is happening in Turkey: In September, Mr. Erdogan held out the possibility of releasing an American pastor, Andrew Brunson, who was detained almost a year ago in the wake…
Warren Throckmorten, Professor of Psychology at Grove City College, has had a great series of posts and dialogues on the differences between Biblical Counseling, Christian Psychology, and secular psychology. The impetus of the series are 95 theses on counseling that the Executive Director of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Heath Lambert has issued. Throckmortern is continuing to evaluate the theses in a helpful way.
This interaction has done more to convince me that counseling (Biblical or otherwise) and (applied?) psychology are different fields altogether that overlap in some areas. Counseling can and should be done with people who are not experiencing mental disorders or undergoing trauma, but who simply need guidance…

If you think that when Neo-Nazis and the KKK protested in Charlottesville, with a white supremacist murdering and injuring counter-protestors, that there were “some very fine people on both sides,” that this represents an insignificant fringe of American culture, and that media blew it out of proportion,
But also believe that black men kneeling during the national anthem to protest racism directed at their community is hugely disrespectful, and that they should be fired, you are probably racist.
If you think efforts to remove flags and monuments to the Confederate rebellion to preserve slavery, most of which were erected during the Civil Rights era, is a liberal assault upon American heritage, and that they should be left up…